Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Magnificent & Amazing Spider-Man


Caught The Amazing Spider-Man with family this evening, 6:45pm at Lot 1 Shopping Centre. Honestly speaking, before watching this movie I was still thinking of the previous Spider-Man's actor, Tobey Maguire. Afterall, this Spider-Man has been acting for the past 3 movies' hero together with his sweetheart, Mary Jane (Kristen Dunst). I do enjoy the movies by Tobey and his fellow on and back stage members all along and now, I'm going to enjoy and anticipate the 2nd movie of The Amazing Spider-Man by Andrew Russell Garfield!


Tobey Maguire
Andrew Russell Garfield      
Kristen Dunst
Emma Stone

the amazing spiderman Spiderman Wallpaper   

Well, after looking at some of these wallpapers of the old and new spideys, they look the same to me.. except that for some of the background themes' changes, the angles of the cameras and posing...the rest looks relatively the same.. probably that is how a spider-man poses...?? hahaha

Amazing Spider-Man

Magnificent Spider-Man

Compare both their costume's material... & their spiders' patterns! i would say there's more uneven surfaces on the new suit as compared to the old suit (dont know how to describe)... an upgrade in the sense of engineering theory on the costume or instead new design for the costume... but as to whether its really comfortable to wear or not... i wont be able to comment on it.. hahaha  
if i'm given to choose, i'll choose the old suit of course! preferably due to the colors.. and the spider's protruding more, displaying it like a real one! and of course in terms of the battle's quality... i guess the new one's better... XD

Spiderman wallpaper 18.jpg

Next up, I do look forward to a black Amazing Spider-Man too! HAHAHA!!! This reminds me of Ultraman... A good ultraman VS  an evil ultraman... this is always happening in every ultraman's series for god's sake! but happening in Marvels and Capcom's heroes are really rare to me at the very least... The only villain i know for superheroes apart from Ultraman would be Spider-Man, the same but only difference in colors... but it looks nice too being in black color... just like Batman! XD

Spiderman wallpaper 14.jpg 

Spiderman wallpaper 3.jpg

Spiderman wallpaper 19.jpg

Spiderman wallpaper 15.jpg

Spiderman wallpaper 17.jpg

okay... and not to forget about this very good pal of Peter Parker of course, Harry Osborn! he's not or rather the character of Harry is not introduced into the new movie... but i do love to see his part in the movies as well! a caring and supportive friend... how nice!? In addition, the supposedly girlfriend of Peter Benjamin Parker (Tobey Maguire [OLD] / Andrew Russell Garfield [NEW]) is not Mary Jane (Kristen Dunst [NEW]) but Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone [OLD]) in the new movie... i'm not very sure about this new plot... but i think they are creating a whole new story line for the spider-man since the title already suggested: The Amazing Spider-Man. furthermore, a new actor acting the character too... The audience like us in the modern 21st century is geared towards creativity and innovative... henceforth, a change in the plot will stir up some new feelings towards this new beginning of the spider-man...

alright, now its close to 1am already and i still want to go for morning exercises tmr before meeting my friends for some picnic and fun! shall log off now before i keep hitting the snooze button umpteen times! *i have the feeling i'll do it tmr! OH NO!
Sayonara~! Oyasumi 8D 

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