Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Look Forward

although the previous post talked about fear and disappointment, it is not doubt a reality that i did obtain 2 gold and 1 bronze...HAHAHA! what a way to say... =.=!!! well, i'm glad, really glad that i did went on to compete despite knowing that i'm the only competitor and did not just obtain my golds from and for nothing. i also learnt to look forward into the future from this experience, such as working harder to make my achievements much more meaningful and living up to their respective standards! as it can be seen in the photo above that there is an additional black belt which i obtained last saturday during my wushu belt examination. i merely performed my 3 sets of category (same as in competition) before the examiner. and tadaa! achieved my black belt! heeheehee!!! finally after 12 years of wushu... next up for my wushu's aim: coach license! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! if i get it, i'll be able to teach legally and earn some extra bucks for my pocket pocket pocket! but before that, gundam competition comes first, together with study! 8D

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