Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Treasured Sunday

our table of food~

my fat ass bro & mum

my dear mum & me


breakfast set

pinky princess cake

apple pie..?? guess so~


poached salmon

healthy fruits

take 1

take 2

paint-able christmas trees lamps

the hanging toy cushions!

the culprit for torturing the poor carrot! X(

the star paper lamps!

i love this! but didn't buy... ~.~lll

adorable mini bells

recycle-able christmas tree? 

woke up early for IKEA's breakfast today with Mum and Brother. it's been long since we last had breakfast together esp on a sunday morning! 8) i must say $20++ for 3 persons is really worth e effort to wake up early! such nice and tasty and inexpensive food :) awww man~! hahaha
as for the little one.. he's either enjoying or "suffering" in Beijing/China with my aunt and her family. oh well, it's a good thing for him too since he's visiting The Great Wall ! and having a 2nd time of Business Class! WTH! okay, i shall be magnanimous! LOL! 
overall, we enjoyed the breakfast of cos! my mum would be due to the company of us both since normally e big fat ass would always be lazy to go or having school to attend.. as for me, i've got a coolie today! HAHAHA how GREAT!?!? XD
shall start studies in "awhile more"~~~ 8D

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