Friday, May 20, 2011

Mixture Feelings

talking about today, practical was still alright, as usual everyone works tgt to get as many right answers as possible. hahaa. but thinking about the amount of homework to be completed and the deadlines! its stressful... ran an analysis test ytd for 3hrs! tmr, going to do another analysis test again... wonder if it'll be another 3hrs waiting again! seriously, 3hrs is long but i can still wait. BUT! if it crashed mid-way, that's wad make ppl MAD! REAL MAD I WOULD MEAN! i sincerely hope that Ngee Ann Poly can upgrade the computers of Blk 46! cause the CF design program really ran too slow already! although i know i straight away put 500 iterations... =.=lll 

still got IS consultation to discuss... ASAS Lab 4 PPT & Tutorial 2... Jap Hw... but sun half day not free... hopefully, tmr i will be able to clear Jap Hw and CF analysis asap! plus if more possible, finish the whole AEDES T1!!! that will be so satisfying! undoubtedly YES! 

well, apart from schoolwork, there is something else that is worth happy about. and it is my Grandmother's Birthday Celebration! HAHAHA! had a family gathering dinner on friday (tonight) as usual, but its at my uncle's coffee shop's store there... and when the channel 8 shows starts, both the old and young ones will be staring at it... HAHAHA! will be uploading the photos in facebook... soon... later if possible... 

tmr, i'm gonna wake up at 8am... shower and prepare for cup-cake... and lollipops... leaving the decorations for night time... thanks alot lao ma! for helping me to make knowing that i dun have enuf time... love u much! 8D 

alright, now i shall help steaky to book a hotel! finally! hurray! YES! goodnight~! 8)

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