Monday, February 20, 2012

University Applications

its been quite a while since the end of internship and exams and presentation...
talking about internship, i do miss my supervisor right on the day when cabbing home... however, the thoughts of having exams on the next day and coming monday occupied my mind already. having such a supervisor really is a god bless for me! especially since i'm a problematic intern! i'm not joking, i really am one! my memory isn't good and my absorption of knowledge is practically extremely slow to the maximum! however, my supervisor doesn't give me any harsh words or scold me. instead, she said she's worried about me... seriously, she's one damn good supervisor i've ever met! if i could, i would like to repay her kindness by working for her about 1 year after my Uni... that is if i'm capable of the workload and be prepared too... otherwise, i'll be screwing everything up again for her... giving her more troubles... =.=