Monday, February 20, 2012

University Applications

its been quite a while since the end of internship and exams and presentation...
talking about internship, i do miss my supervisor right on the day when cabbing home... however, the thoughts of having exams on the next day and coming monday occupied my mind already. having such a supervisor really is a god bless for me! especially since i'm a problematic intern! i'm not joking, i really am one! my memory isn't good and my absorption of knowledge is practically extremely slow to the maximum! however, my supervisor doesn't give me any harsh words or scold me. instead, she said she's worried about me... seriously, she's one damn good supervisor i've ever met! if i could, i would like to repay her kindness by working for her about 1 year after my Uni... that is if i'm capable of the workload and be prepared too... otherwise, i'll be screwing everything up again for her... giving her more troubles... =.=

exams wise they were alright! manage to answer most of the questions... but scoring an A for both papers would be tough since the competitions are really tough! real tough since the elites in my class and other classes are capable of pushing my marks down... well, there's the reason for not being smart... and lazy too! XD however, i think my presentation not too bad bahx.. although its very dry cause its plain technical documents' introduction and a design software usage... all there's left is to wait for the results in march! 

but currently, i'm quite headache with the applications for University... esp the personal statement part... its self-praising moment but i'm bad at it esp with words description too... oh crap! somebody come to my rescue pls! and yup! my study buddy is coming to my rescue tmr and tues' morning!!! YES! HURRAY! in addition, the dateline for application is coming near for both NTU & NUS.... which isn't such a good thing! sigh~! just hope i can finish the applications for these two... a load off my head it'll be! these two Uni the hope of getting in would be extremely low esp competing with those higher ups ones! definitely it's a miracle if i can enter! lets pray! but at the same time, i would like to enter SUTD & or SIT too! basically, my passion is with engineering design! or rather, all sorts of design.... just that engineering (aerospace) design is my core passion and interest's destination... dreams are easy to create but reaching will be another story... 8/
although entering Uni can be either a tough be easy choice, the application route will make us applicants think think think.... and this process of think think think is to help us know which career path we would like to go into for the coming future... and this coming future will most likely determine our future's retirement plans! hahahaa! fancy talking to such a long path ahead when i'm still just 20! oh well, 20 can be young but it's the milestone of the start of retirement plan! everything starts from the bottom no doubt... planning wisely is always the best! 8D but whether everything goes smoothly or not is another case....~ 

apart from applying for Uni, i would definitely love to continue with my hardcore passion of my hobby, Gundam Assembling process! and doing Albums for my baby cousin and my sister group - KASEY! also, practicing my Wushu, Tennis and keeping my health fit and steady~! WOOHOO! hahahaha! nevertheless, to go overseas! i've been stuck in singapore ever since poly started! sigh~ in addition, i would also want to look for a part time job... not wanting to waste my holidays again ever! gonna earn some $$$ before Uni starts... so that i'll have some money to guide and protect me from minor rainy days... hahaha! think wise and plan wise! hohoho!

alright, i shall sleep now before i'm too heaty and fall sick! that would be the biggest taboo during a holiday~! XD


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