Monday, March 19, 2012

My Bangkok Trip After 4 Years!

START: 4 Almost Emptied Luggage

Bro & Me
Forcing Him To Take Photo As I Have Not Been To Airport For A Very Long Time XD
& In Meanwhile Having Some Light Breakfast
Internal Shopping After Check-In

Mum & Bro
My Boarding Ticket
Me Before Boarding XD
Boarding Plane TG 404 Thai Airline
After Alighting I've Began Snapping Photos Of The New Airport Of BKK!

New Seats! Plus Glass Walls To View The Airplanes With Lesser Blockage!

My 1st Drink Before Boarding Train To MBK
Not Bad I Would Say As It Tastes Great

Ticket Machine! Never Changed Since My Last Visit Though


The Train Is Shorter Compared To SG's MRT But Less Crowded Though

Bro & Mum & Aunt

 Me & Mum & Bro

Aunt & Me & Mum
Well, we alighted 1 stop after boarding and we waiting to change train to MBK

This is the MBK which i saw after alighting! 

Apart from MBK, i also visited Platinum and Central, Big C & World Trade Center... Bought a lot of clothes and stuff in BKK this time so as to compensate my 4 years of non-travelling while studying in Poly... what a big sacrifice eh! HAHAHA 
i got to enjoy the breakfast of Arnoma Hotel again although the restoration of the food was not that fast but i'm an easy to feed person so i've got no much of an objections to it... XD 
my main purpose of this trip is to stock up my limited shorts at home and changing my pile of polo Ts to get ready for University... hope i get into 1... :)
below are some little more photos to showcase what i've seen during this trip that have either refreshed my memories about the old BKK or new items/ideas of creativity from the locals... Enjoy 8)

@ Platinum.
the use of thread to create flower patterns for hairpins! 
what a genius idea out of the box of creativity & innovative! 

there's bag too!  

@ Roadside.
wire-made robots! i can see some new weapons added to them as compared to the past... 
sounds like something is gearing me up for Modelling! hahaha

@ Big C's Supermarket.
Nice arrangement of the fishes! customers are always attracted to new stuff!  

 1st time seeing such a big crab stick in my life! HAHAHA

Haagen Dazz Ice-cream @ Big C for dinner... 

i love the cover for this cake! CHOCOLATE!!!
of course! not forgetting about the tasty donuts! 
but i failed to eat them as i was too full after dinner... 8(
my bro was looking up n down for the rabbit donuts but failed... guess they dont have it anymore... 

Big C taken during broad day light

 on the right is the Arnoma Hotel which i stayed during the 4 days 3 nights. 

this is the Amari Water Gate which my bro, mum & aunt used to stay...
more stars as compared to Arnoma... but Arnoma is very convenient despite that! 

biyoke sky hotel... a very tall hotel with a rotating roof i heard from my mum & bro...
would love to stay there too but the shopping trips will become inconvenient as all the 
shopping centres which i will visit are mostly around Arnoma Hotel... oh well... i suppose there's pros & cons for all... 

the Platinum where i got a lot of pants and slipper from! hehehe

i love this roadside food! tastes like pancake! hahaha
mini pancakes! 

total amount of stuff we bought... woohoo! 
tons of maggie mee!!!

some fun time before packing up...

my bro & i were trying to imitate this statue... and here goes! XD

the 8 heavy baggage! 
guess how much it weighted! 

 a fantastic weigh of 89.2kg!!! HOLY SHIT!

after check-in... this is where i walked to board my plane TG 409 Thai Airline! 

Here's my airplane! :)

say Hi before we take-off~

give me a 2! XD

a little blur but not so blur though.. 

Reached SG & this is the Belt Number~

3 trolleys are needed when its just 4 people who went overseas only! 

some t-shirts i bought~! 8D


it says "I Love Thailand'

my achievement for this trip!
i would say its the highest among all the previous which i traveled...

Overall, i enjoyed this trip very much because i get to shop and see many new and old things! 
the traffic is still the same i would say? but better than before as there are traffic polices to control...
i'm kinda broke after this trip cause i believe it exceeded my budget $500... 
but oh well... holidays are meant to be for fun and enjoyment~! XD
next trip might be next year for me... unless i get sponsor i wont mind gg again this year... 
but another country perhaps... i've make improvements apart from just the clothing! 
although its foot massage alone but i'm impressed with the service! 
that is because they have been massaging customers since 9am and my appointment was 10-11pm...
to think the lady still had so much strength to massage on my pathetic easily tired out legs....
i was so amazed with the methods she massaged that i was like "wah.... woo~! hahaha!"
how dumb that was! XD
but having someone older than me to serve me is still kind of erm... inappropriate? 
although i know i'm a customer... nvm... at least the massage was paid... 8)
okay, i've been waiting to post finish since few hours ago already! due to the large amount of photos i'm uploading... hahaha! alright, shall go shower and get ready for dinner! 


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