Monday, June 4, 2012

Time Management

Time Is In Your Hands

now i can be said to be in a time management problem... needless to say it is all because of my want-to-do lists. i want to;
1. make birthday 'cards' from tissue boxes, 5 of them each w different theme of course! 
2. plan time for wushu training as i've signed up for upcoming competition on July 21-22, both sat & sun... 
3. create KASEY's 2nd Tee... 
4. read up my Brisingr and getting Inheritance asap the small version is out...
5. refresh my Japanese Language before i lost touch forever!
6. earn $$$ at work...
7. participate in Gundam Competitions... either during the next upcoming group-build or year end competition... (talk about year end comp, it is much more tougher compared to group-build plus the idea which i sketched up in mind i doubt i have both the time and skills to complete it... so right after wushu competition i might direct my mind into the group-build...)
8. fixing the crack on my laptop... X(
9. a personal logo of mine... 

aiyaya... so many to-do things but yet little discipline to complete... i need to sketch out the ideas n themes for each different 'cards' and then put them into action... guess i'll combine it w wushu training days... i've planned out for wushu training schedule alr tgt w my work's... hope it'll goes well... in any case, its a way much better chance to prove myself in this upcoming wushu competition as compared to the previous one i believe since more competitors will appear... 8D  


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