Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Hearty Breakfast By ME

Hearty Breakfast made by ME this morning for my dearest and loveliest mother! it's not easy to have off day for school weeks and plus recently, or rather quite a long time already ever since she last had have a heavy burden or stress, so preparing breakfast for her isn't that much to ask of from my sleeping hours. 8) 

i must comment on my food quality! especially e eggs! too cook! i seriously don't like e texture of it.. cooking too long made e eggs looked old! i have absorbed this lesson, and thus, the future eggs i'm cooking will be just nice! next, would be the burnt hot dogs... too burnt as well.. oh well... they're all digesting in the stomachs already... or digested...? haahaha i'll use the oven in future to prevent e burnt-ness~ XD oh talk about e corns! they're sweet! just fried or heat them up w butter and fire and it's already so tasty! no wonder my brother loves eating that way... XD quality wise maybe not bad la huh.. ard there.. but e looks will need improvement no doubt.. i'll think about it again next wed. since next wed is my last off day for sch weeks. i'll TREASURE it!! hahaha 

okay, shall be off to propulsion now! i'm aiming for a 2.4km later.. and to try finish my to-be-hand-in tutorial too. 8)

taking half an hour of your sleep to prepare something for your mum isn't that much to ask of :)

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