Sunday, November 25, 2012

Math is killing me!

University math is so killing me from top to toe! i've got no mathematical  genes in me... except for the basic counting money part i know.. LOL! fourier series is bad enough... what's more it's complex fourier series! and other ODEs... 2nd Order... balh blah blah... i've told myself to give them a chance and get to know them but turns out we can't get along pretty well... every single one of my modules involved math. but not as tough and stubborn as applicable 2S and 3S math... i'm sure gonna be dead for the upcoming math quiz on tuesday and nevertheless, not to mention their major exams after next week... i'm so dead. really dead! XS

therefore, i've decided to throw them to tmr and ask my friends for rescue.. meanwhile, i'll move on to a more familiar module which i have a tiny bit more confident about... propulsion. may god bless my non-intelligent brain in absorbing knowledge. Amen.

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