Thursday, May 10, 2012


Went to watch Avengers at Lot One Shoppers Mall on last saturday with mum and auntie. i must say this is one outstanding product of Marvel Studios! I definitely won't regret watching it again in the cinema! HAHAHA

The start of each character in this movie was well plotted i must say. they are not too rush or too simple to be introduced but rather at the right time! however, this can be a bad thing as well as people will have much higher demands for the next upcoming movie of Avengers 2 if there ever is of course... apart from the timings of the characters introduced, everyone were well-played in the movie, not over or less acting of any characters but well shared indeed! 8D

Not to leave out the jokes and seriousness in it as well! hahaha! funny and stern at the correct timings and not ruining the whole nice story line. This is definitely more interesting than Transformer 2 & 3... Transformer 1 was really great as well no doubt as its the starting movie! just that Transformer 2 & 3 were a little plain and not so much of a climax... that is solely my opinions... because as i've said, T1 was really awesome! which is why more expectations are built in for T2 & T3...

I am looking forward to Avengers 2 of course!!! HAHAHA but i really do hope and wish that the 2nd movie will be as intriguing and impacting as the 1st! so as to preserve the FIRE in all audience! 8)

Next movies to catch up are: The Amazing Spider-Man, Rise of the Dark Knight & Dark Shadows.

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