Monday, June 4, 2012

My 2012 Graduation


my dear Mum

my dear 3rd Aunt (maternal side)

my dear Kor Kor (maternal side)

my 3rd Aunt & her Husband (paternal side)

my dear Ah Ma (paternal side)

this is David Jr.

this is Xu En (same height as me 8D)

this is Yiting (also sama sama heights XD)

this is the tall guy Sundramurthi

the 3 Musketeers? hahaha

this is Kenneth w the thumb-up

the pinchy guy Matthew

my ah pa aka. Minghan

my design course seating partner - Guo Yan

this is Jiexun

my aircraft theory lecturer

this is Fong Wai

Big guy aka. Ian

this is Giddy

this is Donut aka. Gibson

this is Dubetto aka. David Zheng

this is KK aka. Kok Keong

this is Gavin Koh Swee Teck
(i feel that its better to spell his full name out don't know why... hahaha)

my twin sister aka. Jaclyn

Had my one and only polytechnic graduation on Thursday, 24 May 2012.
Finally everyone graduated in a blink of an eye..?? maybe... 
Thinking back of our 3 years when we first stepped in to Ngee Ann Poly i was already thinking of graduating w my certificates already... hahaha so impatient of a fellow student i am... 
from all the years of education, poly is the shortest by far i've had... but since i'm going for SIT, its gonna be shorter by another year though... provided that i pass all that comes and then i think i'll get a square hat by then 8)
its both a happy and sad moment because everybody gets to be graduated but at the same time we wont be seeing each other as much as we did during the school days... all the males will be entering their National Service this later part of the year and the females will be going for further studies in Universities... meeting up chances will be slimmer since everybody will be really busy w training and studies etc... some might even take up part time jobs during school... that is tough shit!  
for me, i hope the 2 years in SIT will of cos pass smoothly and if possible with excellent grades! so that i'll have no much of a hard time looking for a career vacancy then... XD
well, whatever the future may bring, i sincerely wish right here that all my fellow friends will have a smooth future path ahead and of cos, getting UP again whenever you fall to the bottom! 
for that is the spirits we have always been rooted with! 8D 

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