Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Searching Templates

Have been busy with school life lately so lack of blogging. But exams have just finished, to be more exact, yesterday was the last paper! Total 3 papers, screwed up the 2nd but 1st and 3rd was alright. Just hoping that I don't get a RE-EXAM! That is all.

Today, I've been searching for templates to change to but, none suited my taste... Guess I'm too demanding... Was finding one for the Gundam... a template that looks sophisticated to suit the mechanism lookings of the gundams... However, it failed... Thus, i decided to make one myself instead! Although it's far from what I want... I'll work into exploring the template more as the time goes by... 8)

Tmr! TMR! TMR! my small little cousin is coming to earth! finally after 9 long months of waiting! HAHAHA! shall take photos of him and post here! OMG! hahaha! been anxious to see how he looks like! more to the mother or father i wonder... anyway, tmr my family and i will get to know! XD

School life is now taking a break but soon attachment will be here... only having 2 weeks of break from school and attachment will let me have a taste of what work is like! 8)  apart from all these, i would love to continue building my gundam which i have left touch since many months ago! dying to get back to them asap!

For now, i'm going to switch to desktop and fix the internet for it... toodles! 8D

A day slacking away~!

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