Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Perfect Grade 00 Raiser Gundam

Currently I'm going to continue with this PG 00 Raiser Gundam starting from saturday after i receive it from my teacher,Sam, to pick up where i left off during the holidays. this is my 1st PG Gundam which i started in my years of loving Gundam! I just love the GN drives in it! HAHAHA!!! main reason because its electronic and moving with LIGHTS! i'm also doing the transparent parts for it... honestly speaking, i've never have much liking for transparent parts of the gundam, until a particular modeller, Jimmy, came up with his idea of spraying white paint behind the transparent parts that attracted me. i'm doing the same thing as him and of course, learning from him and my teacher at the same time. i've been dragging the progress for very long since i'm tied up with schoolwork... it is hard for me to multi-task whenever i think of schoolwork with gundam... thats why i need to clear school before i touch gundam. hopefully this time i can finish the PG before my attachment hits me with weekdays fully booked for it... i really want to see the end product and to return it in completed mode to my teacher for display... its really bad dragging it due to schoolwork... but all the more because of this reason, its become my motivation to finish it! 8D

Today was picking back up my Sanding skills for model kits...  

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