Saturday, September 24, 2011

Brydon's 1st Month Celebration~!

the nicely painted banner was done by Big Kor Kor, Russell... so nice! 

Mother & Son! 

Big Kor Kor - Russell carrying Small Di Di 

feeling so shiok ar small brydon! XD

the layouts at the multi-purpose hall... 
everyone of us the grandchildren and aunties uncles played a good role in decorating man! 
how honored is this little boy!? 
must treat us all well when he grows up! HAHAHA

playing monopoly deal... nothing else to do alr apart from snatching to carry brydon! 

2 good friends of Big Kor Kor who had fun with 
knowing what kind of a person my little brother, Kyle is! XD

the celebration ended at night... with everyone taking down the decorations and retaining some for brydon's upcoming album.. so that he can view it in future.. somehow... this little baby boy is getting smarter and more notorious! HAHAHA! heard from his mum that he needs to be carried before he's willing to fall asleep! what a naughty boy! dun wan me to carry him! alright la! i'm not so meaty.... but bone-ny! =.=lll need to smack his butt when he gets bad alr... before pampering him too much to spoil his good nature! 8D 

all right, the end~! 8)

Today was learning to be different from current's Monday - Friday lifestyle! 

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