Saturday, December 24, 2011

KASEY'S Christmas Night~!

Happy Merry Christmas & Happy New Year~! 

an early celebration of christmas this year since we cant meet up on eve or actual day itself... but nevertheless, we're already planning for new year's eve celebration! COUNTING DOWN! hahaha! long time since i see them although we live near but not so near for other three... we had fun chit chatting and cam whoring definitely! the log cake from Four Leaves was awesome! not because it was a durian flavour but because the durian tasted really nice! well... we watched some korean dramas as well as some gruesome movie! OF COURSE ME BEING THE SMART ONE, didnt watch the movie... else i'll be having countless sleeps and my internship will be more into the hot soup... hahaha! looking at their expressions while watching the movie was more entertaining i found it.. HAHAHA! it was sad i had to leave early due to work the next day, but it was fun and joyous! 8D 

now, i'm scratching my head to wonder how to deal with the new year's eve day! gosh... 2 groups to hang out with but i only feel like moving out at night which goes to mean that i'll be meeting 1 group only... tough decision... shall see again... hahaha! 
Wishing Everyone A Happy Merry Christmas & Happy New Year~! 
shall go do project now! sayonara!  

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