Tuesday, April 24, 2012

BeanStro's 1st Day

Today was my first day working at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf's BeanStro. i reported on the dot, 9am, and immediately went to change my top and put on an apron with a name tag before i got brief on the working system. it was a good learning experience no doubt because i got to learn how to take orders, clear tables, serve dishes, wrapping the utensils and remembering the looks of the dishes as well. i took my first

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mobile_Suit_92's Icon/Logo

Another Leaf From Blogger

finally i know how to link stuff from under each individual pages! oh right!
now i'll have more organized posts in future! 8D

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Bras Basah Complex

Image Detail

it's been really long time since i last stayed over at my grandmother's house already... some time ago before this moment, i was still thinking about my home bed and my mother...

Monday, April 16, 2012

KASEY's Ikea Night

each a plate of poached salmon except for Ah Bu with meatballs...

the salmon which went through a slimming course... HAHAHA

Thursday, April 12, 2012

New Skill Learnt

Finally done learning with adding new pages... it was so tough when i didn't know how to in the first place... but now, its a piece of cake! XD well, i don't intend to be glued to the laptop for all day as i intend to finish up my PG 00 Rasier Gundam by doing some sandings. Hmm... guess the next thing i'll be learning will be adding musics / songs to this online diary 8) so yup, Sayonara~!

Saturday, April 7, 2012


trying to change to photo gallery view blog for easier viewing and some renovating to this online diary... it took quite a long while before i settled with this... but i'll still be changing as i'm still not satisfied with it.. 8/ well, hope the next one will be much better as in not too glaring to the eyes... 8D