Monday, April 16, 2012

KASEY's Ikea Night

each a plate of poached salmon except for Ah Bu with meatballs...

the salmon which went through a slimming course... HAHAHA

the forever tasty chicken wings!

the almost filling chili sauce.. 

a poached salmon comes w a mango pudding~

golden onion rings...

Ah Bu's Meatballs...

Soft ice-cream for 50 cents each!

act hardworking! hahaha

lying comfortably there uh... 83

this is more comfortable i believe! look at her!

trying to balance on the ladybird... 

an Ikea's sales personnel said she needed that BIG SMILE instead of her own... hahaa
indeed a big smile... 

now is Ah Bu's turn to balance~ 

here's our DAJIE! whom i went with to TeiDa for her injured knee... 
she's good! she didn't scream like i did... hahaa 

posting for photo-taking... 

2 crazy girls acting to be watching a comedy from the Fake Laptop... 

Cute Baby eh..?? hahaa w a BEER BOTTLE~!

another Big Baby... XD

Opps! Toilet Business! XD

*No Peeking! X3

guess the smelly leg! 

overall ytd night at Ikea was really fun with my 2nd family, KASEY! 8D 
dinner was really full till we almost burst?? hahaa
now i realized that i'm not the only one who's childish but Esther Sim is the one!
looking at how she played with the furniture and stationery, i'm really nothing compared to that!
oh well... this shows that i'm a matured capricorn... XD
was glad and happy that this dinner was carried out as per planned...
brightening up my night them was awesome! X3
some of them have to start school & internship the today...
hope everything went well today for them.. ( O.O/)
and for my job interview tmr morning... ( ~^ 3 ^~ )

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