Tuesday, April 24, 2012

BeanStro's 1st Day

Today was my first day working at The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf's BeanStro. i reported on the dot, 9am, and immediately went to change my top and put on an apron with a name tag before i got brief on the working system. it was a good learning experience no doubt because i got to learn how to take orders, clear tables, serve dishes, wrapping the utensils and remembering the looks of the dishes as well. i took my first
order today and it was a rather nervous one because its the first of the first. didn't know how to reply the customer when he ask about the tea being able to be shared or just sufficient for individual... but its okay, at least i learnt something.. the first three weeks of my job will not include taking orders as i need to familiarize with the menus and the 'additional' stuff needed when serving drinks and food.

The list of food which i can remember are BeanStro's Breakfast Platter, Seafood Pasta, Eggs Benedict, Skinny Fries, Pester Pasta, and lastly, Shrimps and Crab Quiche. as for the rest, i can't remember their names already.. oh well, tmr will be another actual-practice training again... hahaha XD

Talk about the staffs there, their really nice people! They joke and talk and share load and smile real sweet! Anything in doubt i can approach them without being afraid. i sure hope this stays as it is for the next 4 months to go before i enter my University and get real busy with aircraft knowledge again... 8)

For this week's schedule, i'll be working apart from today which is Tuesday [9am-5pm], there's also Wednesday [9am-5pm], Friday [5pm-11pm] & Sunday [9am-5pm]. i'm quite happy with this arrangement because i get to have a break after two days.. and off on Saturday! hahaha!! right now, i do prefer to work on Sunday instead of Saturday... mainly because my mum always stay home on Sunday to rest so i'll get to meet her on Saturday when she visits my grandmother's house 8)
but i think i'll be requesting to get a Friday morning shift since every friday as usual my whole family and relatives will be gathering at my grandmother's house for dinner & chit chat session...

Alright, i shall off my laptop and practice my IP MAN's skills aka. Wing Chun! HAHAHA XD
got to prepare somehow for my little show at NYP on thursday! won't want to disgrace my Mentor too man! 8D


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