Saturday, April 21, 2012

Bras Basah Complex

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it's been really long time since i last stayed over at my grandmother's house already... some time ago before this moment, i was still thinking about my home bed and my mother...
missing already even before heading here this afternoon... i'm a child who's very attached to home! so even though my grandmother's house is like an hour away from my home, i'll still miss my home... probably because i'm having the plan of staying over at my grandmother's house for a few months due to the convenience it has for my part time job at Marina Bay Sands... how weak i am!? but of course, if i'm able to have offs in between the weeks and the next working day isn't going to be morning, i will consider or even rather go home to sleep after work... i'm strongly attach to my bed no doubt about it! although its a hard core fact that i can sleep anywhere anytime~ XD
and of course, i miss my mother... won't know how is she doing at home... especially when i'm her companion for watching television... talk about this, i'll always takes sip and sip of her coffee! HAHAHA 8D
but staying at Bras Basah isn't all that bad because just out of this building, i get to reach either illuma, bugis or city hall in 5 mins the most! its a very convenient spot in the whole SG! and definitely, i can stay and accompany my grandmother who has been living alone ever since my aunt and her family bought a house and stopped staying with her anymore... except during the fridays when my aunt would come back and accompany my grandmother so she won't be alone and less dangerous in fact... 8)
at this moment, 11:43pm, i don't think my mum has slept yet.. since it's a saturday... or maybe because i'm not with her to watch television she might turn in early instead... oh well... anyway, i'm glad i finally got the internet access! there's always this problem btw my laptop and the internet device at my grandmother's house.. its really lucky to have it functional! hahaha! hope it works well tgt in the coming days, weeks and months! XD for now, i shall stop here and go over to help my shifu's blog! >8)
Oyasumi~! 8)

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