Thursday, August 9, 2012

Big Heads for Big Hats / Small Heads for Small Hats

Big Heads for Big Hats
Small Heads for Small Hats
Simple, because: when you don't have such a big head don't wear such a big hat!
this is meant for myself. & someone else residing in the corner of casino/gambling (who is hopeless!)
as for me, i overlooked the MAIN fact that i have never ever done any modifications nor detail up before for modeling. and yet, i am like a hot headed bull charging aimlessly for the competition just because its first prize is going Japan! how naive i was.!? i admit, it is every modelers and my own dream to go to Japan to pay a visit to the motherland of Gundams. however, i clean forgotten about my weaknesses for this competition. indeed, i do wish to top but from the bottom of my heart and soul i know clearly that with my lack of skills and knowledge in the world of gunpla, i can hardly even get a prize in the Open Category.. although subsequently i just wanna get something else and in the end, slowly to just joining in the fun alone. i'm not well knowledge in both the skills and gundams themselves... i'm merely on the surface... i really need and want both time and effort to be put in before i can say i'm a GUNDAM FAN & MODELER! that is why i've decided to not participate in the competition this year but wait for a better chance in future. but i am indeed sorry towards my teacher who sponsored me earlier on to work on the marasai.. now that i've assembled it, but not gg for compt... but then, since i'm having holiday right now, i should get things started which i should have done so years ago.! i'm gonna go on multi-tasking; gundam & wushu. these both are my top most priorities for now till end of my life! including studies when sch starts in 10 sep till 2 years later... i will need and learn to juggle all 3 main factors of my life before i can call myself a successful ASSHOLE! =.=lll wow....calling myself AH... how awesome.. but motivating! saying is always easier than doing... but i feel that typing is even easier than saying! results have to be proven in times to come... i'll be attending lessons for detailing up on gundams again during this friday ONWARDS and to train up wushu myself again this sunday! NO HASTE NO HASTE! easy buddy! easy~! i'll post updates about the progress to show my honour-ing of my own alphabets! YES! >:] 

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