Sunday, August 26, 2012

SiT Orientation Camp 2012

Group Photo! 8D
*But missing two boys though... 8(

Me, Ee Tiean, Sunday, Elaine, Khim, Yap 8)

Kenneth, Isaac, Ben, Clayton, Marcus, Kerui, Lanker, Bhuvan
*missing Wei Mun & Lauri as they went home early... 8(


Take 1
*look at those 3 faces on the right! 

Take 2
*now look at their horny souls! HAHAHA


Overall, the camp was really fun and exciting, and just like our group cheer: GOOD JOB, AWESOME & SUI SUI! there were basically 4 different empires, namely; Zeus, Apollo, Hades and Poseidon. and each empire has 8 small groups, and each group has us, freshies aka. Warriors. those seniors leading each groups are known as Heroes. and followed by Titans. henceforth, this camp is actually a game between the Battles of Gods!
From Day 1, we got to know one another and had the ice breaking games to remove the awkwardness among us. and followed by bonding games to make ur laugh, cracking brains, getting hungry & thirsty, sleepy, dirty, energetic etc... i wont deny that on the first day of the camp, i wanted everything to end quickly because i'm just too relying on my bed.. but during the games, i would rather time passed slower instead so that we can more play times. Talk about games... on the first half of Day 2, we were actually losing every single games! can you imagine that?!?! not even winning a single one against other groups! that was no doubt discouraging... but we're laughing saying that we can be 100% winner among e losers! HAHAHA until we won a match for the sponge game.. 8D after that would be two mass games which included all the other groups of each diff. empires to join tgt. those mass games were more exciting i would say! hahaha esp the last one! it was like running man i felt because everyone has a group tag before them.   

Now talk food, its the best camp food ever i swear! there was actually PASTAMANIA on the first day for lunch!! WOOHOO~! HAHAHA so filling and tasty indeed! and the rest of the meals were catered but delicious still. there was not the need to bring own utensils to e camp as they were provided..a load off the bags but not so eco-friendly... well, pros n cons of cos.. since what matters most is for everyone to be HAPPY, FUN, & SMILE 8D

Lastly, i'm glad i went for the camp and defeated my laziness! hahaha because i got to know great new peeps in my life although we're all going for diff courses and uni... and nevertheless, having more meetups and gatherings in the future to talk craps! XD

The End

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