Monday, August 20, 2012


新加坡 电视电影 《七月俏佳人》



 主演:朱茵 陈汉玮 林倩萍 许静雯 
* The Way I Care For You

男∶寂寞开在心事旁 随手种一些伤感
不让星星来窥探 找个沉默的夜晚
找个沉默的夜晚 不让星星来窥探
随手种一些伤感 寂寞开在心事旁

你往常的亲切友善 是我今生的遗憾

女∶寂寞开在心事旁 随手种一些伤感
不让星星来窥探 找个沉默的夜晚
找个沉默的夜晚 不让星星来窥探
随手种一些伤感 寂寞开在心事旁

你往常的亲切友善 是我今生的遗憾

i came to remember about this song only on yesterday night, saturday when i was watching the refresh 30 years golden theme songs of mediacorps' dramas.. at that moment when i heard this song, i was so glad! why? because i finally got to know the name and lyrics of it!! like more than 10 years then i recall it fully... normally i could only remember the music and some rubbish "lyrics" which i filled in myself... perhaps i should have asked my mum this past 10 years with just the music or tune that i rmbed... =.=lll god must have taken pity on me to at last let me rmb one of my favourite childhood songs 8D plus, at this hour i should be in bed already! but because a fan like me who loves this song deeply!, i just had to share here.. HAHAHA am i blushing a little?? [what for uh? =.=lll] anyway, there's no way i'll let this song slips past me ever again! HAHAHA but there's also another song: 我吃得起苦 from 出路. i'll update again during next post.. for now, its The Way I Care For You 8)

Mata Ne! 

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