Saturday, September 8, 2012

Days before School

For this whole entire last week of holidays, i've been eating GOOD FOOD all days! there's COCA steamboat, durians and House of steamboat. so many steamboat i had in this week! talk about steaming, COCA was a high class steamboat as it is already located in Takashimaya in the first place... but the ambiance is also another thing no doubt. it was filled w a good air-conditioning ventilation and the service was good too! 8D visited with 2 cousins, my aunt and my younger brother. next time i can bring my friends or introduce them there already if they want good ambiance but dont mind a little exp...! but i guess the charge would be $23 per person.. as to whether it's nett or not i'm not too sure.. 8/

next is ytd's night cousins gatherings at House of Steamboat, near Bugis area.. it was a good one i must say! okay la.. mostly due to the people whom i ate with.. XD but the fried bun w carnation milk is really nice! we ordered and ordered plate after plate tgt w Aloy's favourite: fried star star~~ hahaha! had many chit chat topics and eating during the whole 2hrs plus... some merely or mainly ate meat only! while the rest ate a mixture... those who ate meat only said they were actually trying to balance off our money since eating veggies are not worth paying $20 nett... hahaha what a logic... but the price is really friendly i would say! esp for the lunch some more! well.. the next cousins outing is unknown yet.. shall let our wallets rest n replenish before burning them again. 8D as for tmr, i'm gonna go LJS lunch w steaky! finally after so long we meet! tmr~ damn it! i cant find the LJS coupons!! no idea where my bro kept it... have to ask him to dig his room for me or i'll have no coupons to use.. TAT

and now, i'm slacking waiting for dinner to be cooked fully before i start it e MIRROR MIRROR Snow White~! 8D my enjoyment of my last week of holidays! XD

but now as usual when holidays are about to end, i feel somewhat guilty that i have not been using it fully after working for 2.5months... how stupid again! but i love the slacking-ness no doubt! hahaha!!! not everyone, at least not every adults can do it nowadays! XD alright, i shall go play another 2 rounds of bubble island before i head for dinner! *stomach callings~~~

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