Sunday, September 23, 2012

lost in e woods of equations

after entering uni, then did i realize that everything in aviation is fully, FULLY connected by not just numbers, subtractions, additions, divisions and multiplications, but by EQUATIONS!!! for equations alone consist of everything. from numbers to functions. i am indeed maybe traumatized..?.. by e equations that i'm seeing everyday in school. i know that dealing w aircraft and its design requires math but not to such an extent was what i had in mind. perhaps for once again, i'm too naive or simple-minded. /(o.  o)\

but e worse is that i have forgotten all those that i have had learnt while in poly.. although they're nothing as compared to now, but at least rmb-ing them could be of a much lesser or lighter burden. now i'm regretting not making full use of my long holidays for math's revision. WTS! now i just gotta work harder to try to recall them and absorb e new ones coming on their ways too.. life is tough later on when e harsher ones make their way before me. however, what's life without challenges? just like what's a plastic model kit if it hasn't gone through e required processes to make it exists? what's me if i haven't gone through ups and downs in e past, present and of cos future in times to come, to be a better me..??

i dare to say that at e end of the course, end of e 2 years in SiT, i'll be not a pro engineer for aircraft but a pro engineer for MATHEMATICS!!! by then, muahahaha maybe i can give tuition for engineering math! who knows eh! many people tutor math but how many can really tutor engineering math..?? muahahahaha another path for earning extra $$$ i see... *blinking of  \\\($ . $)///* LOLLLLL!!!

in any case, i need to get my math's equations' logic into my head. YES, my innocent and stubborn head, before i can go on for further math's absorption.. else i'll really be lost in e woods of equations! i promise that i'll put more time into my studies and NOT my afternoon naps, games on laptops, useless youtube-ing, staring into blanks, & laziness! yup, done. :)

Nobody or anybody can defeat you, it is only you that can defeat yourself.

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