Sunday, September 23, 2012

K-A-S-E-Y roasting ceremony

e MIGHTY THINNER of e evening :)

e pot of wings~

oh yes! e prawns not to be left out!

ah shan's father giving us a hand w e charcoal. 
he's such a nice dad. & a comedian too! hahaha

burning of e fire due to e thinner's POWER!

*our cups of e night*

opps! ah bu is shorter now! hahaha

dajie is still taller here... :)

my little bro w her "girlfriend"

e sotongs!

e last batch of wings to be roasted

trying to cook her marshmallows~ hahaha

i just love to see e burning charcoals! 
oh, e best part of e bbq for me wasn't about cooking e food but setting up of e fire is!!

here goes e group spam!

e ah buS

our new KASEY item :)
they got 1 for me at batam. 
aww man, how sweet and lovely of my sisters XD

e oldest of us all, dajie

our muscular sister, a mei

my 1 blk away sister, ah shan~

our ah bu w her marshmallow~

oh yes.. e poor little burnt charcoal-like sweet potatoes..
perhaps they had stayed too long in the burning thinner fire... 

my favorite sweet corns!

mix mushrooms
(which can't be voided from our bbq list anymore)

look at our little quantities of hot dogs and crab meats!

start of the evening~

alright, i got no idea why e photos are in such an arrangement but oh well.. its 71 photos! so i wont be much willing to re-arrange them.. hahaha in any case, this was a long time no see BBQ for KASEY. i'm so delighted that everyone was present and that from the photos above, we're all enjoying no doubt. :)
it was a sad thing that i couldn't go to batam with them but at least the bbq made it up. maybe not so much but it felt much more better indeed to have time together, the 5 of us. since primary 5 till now, hmm... 
20-11=9 years of friendship! wow :) and still counting of course! HAHAHA
had photos spam and food cooking and chit chat sessions and annoying actions that whole evening till midnight on last sunday. this time round we added some seafood to it, like teriyaki salmon and sotongs.. although sotongs were all along on e list... hahaha but $20 for each person is indeed a lot this time... although we went for variety over quantity.. talk about quantity, there were 32 chicken wings!!! OMG!! needless to say, they weren't finished and had to be da bao~ XD i just love this gathering once in awhile in my life :) 
so heartwarming and lovely and fun and hilarious and stupid and irritating and annoying and sweating and troublesome and etc etc etc~~~ XD

wonder when's e next gathering going to be.. 8/ but oh well... now e current issue is to get my studies' revisions on track! before i'm lost totally in e woods/jungle~ 8)

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