Saturday, December 24, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Bloody Mad

just why do u have to create so much trouble for everyone!? 
u bloody bastard! if in the start u had have much better control, u won't have today!
u deserve what u're getting now! rotten bad luck! total ignorance from me! 
but if it weren't for her, i won't even bend my back to talk to u! 
u fucking bloody asshole! i swear i'll get back to u! 
never will i ever let u go unpaid! 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Angry "Birds"

if i've crossed your bottom line, i apologize.
but if you cross mine, will you?
i don't know...
i don't think you know too since i didn't show you where's mine... 

Monday, October 24, 2011


this is just to show that i'm still alive but meditating with ST Aerospace & Ngee Ann Poly...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Brydon's 1st Month Celebration~!

the nicely painted banner was done by Big Kor Kor, Russell... so nice! 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Steaming Tennis "Balls"

Balls! 5 packets of different balls! Other than XLB, this is another killing food!

Brydon's Arrival~

Brydon in the Nursery Room...

His Mum...

His Dad...

His 2nd Big Brother... (didn't manage to capture his 1st Brother w him but will upload once i get it!)

 This is Me w him! XD

Back to PO PO House... sleeping all day!

Finally he opened both his eyes! 

Shower~ This is what every babies dislike in the 1st place i think... 8/

His personal area! 

Tired again!? ROFL! 

That is all for today! Shall go to bed before I'm late for tmr's IAP Briefing which will kill me if I am late! HAHAHA! alright, goodnight! 8)

Today was Learning Day~!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Searching Templates

Have been busy with school life lately so lack of blogging. But exams have just finished, to be more exact, yesterday was the last paper! Total 3 papers, screwed up the 2nd but 1st and 3rd was alright. Just hoping that I don't get a RE-EXAM! That is all.

Today, I've been searching for templates to change to but, none suited my taste... Guess I'm too demanding... Was finding one for the Gundam... a template that looks sophisticated to suit the mechanism lookings of the gundams... However, it failed... Thus, i decided to make one myself instead! Although it's far from what I want... I'll work into exploring the template more as the time goes by... 8)

Tmr! TMR! TMR! my small little cousin is coming to earth! finally after 9 long months of waiting! HAHAHA! shall take photos of him and post here! OMG! hahaha! been anxious to see how he looks like! more to the mother or father i wonder... anyway, tmr my family and i will get to know! XD

School life is now taking a break but soon attachment will be here... only having 2 weeks of break from school and attachment will let me have a taste of what work is like! 8)  apart from all these, i would love to continue building my gundam which i have left touch since many months ago! dying to get back to them asap!

For now, i'm going to switch to desktop and fix the internet for it... toodles! 8D

A day slacking away~!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


its been 2 weeks about the 2 weeks short holiday in june after CT...
results were taken back... overall not bad. quite happy with the results... except for 1... which i did not put in as much effort as compared to the rest... big mistake... although i passed... but was 2nd bottom... zzz
right now, will be the completion of projects for this and next week...
finishing the projects will mean a nearer date to exams... which is last week of august...
shortly after that, it'll be the attachment setting foot into our lives...
heard that whichever place i go to for oip will be both long journey... which will indicates an earlier waking up routine for 6 months! 6 bloody long months! although i do really look forward to oip... but waking up at 5am.. is a never before experience! this will definitely test my limits... for a nap & sleep lover like me...

i have yet to lay my hands on gundams despite telling my teachers that i'll buy new gundams in JULY but with the completion of 10 gundams... assembling... but its really not easy to build one... when the parts are many and long instructions... it'll be distracting if i have hw in mind when doing gundam... which is really a dislike!
i would really love to lay hands on gundams real soon! no joke! i havent been gundam-ing for months already! this is crazily stupid! wad a joke some more! argh!

theres AEDES tutorial 2 & Project to do... ASAS LAB 3, 4, Tutorial 3... IS Consultation, mystery shopping... WISP Assignment 2, 3...Jap hw, tests...  EXAMS!
seriously, i cant wait to get rid of these things then start on GUNDAMS!!! i haven been watching animes also! wad a dry life! shag!

but, despite all these, i still have to pull through to get high grades this time and next semester! so that i can enter local UNI...lessening my mum's burdens... it hurts alot to see her in pain while i cant do a thing! i really wish that i'm older now! able to earn big bucks while she enjoys life... or going ard the whole... these awesome times will come! they will because i'll do my best to get them! 8D


 rainbow after rains! 8)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Holidays + Undying Homework

its holiday now but accompanied with unlimited homework pile...
been slacking since thurs' last paper... till now... tmr i shall really complete the Jap Hw... so that the following days i can focus more on WISP and IS... these 2 other modules also cant be let loose...
gonna aim for my 3.7 this time! know its hard but still... got to climb higher up! ;)

signed up for a study trip in sept... but wonder if i'll manage to get in or not... depends lah.... money wise also expensive... $3000+... haix... a bit heartpain too... so thats why, when i grow up, i wanna earn big bucks! real big bucks to let my mother live well for her aging years... working so hard now... for us the 3 big kiddies... mothers are always the best! but of cos... there are some whose mothers are not well fathers are... its all their own views~ 8)

wanna pay a visit to Hobby Art Gallery too next tues... but dun think possible.. so might push back to wed.... depends... haix... wanna try reading my Eldest Book... and assembling some gundams... school days are always tough to build one for me... i duno why... or mayb i do... LAZYNESS! sighs~

well... i can tell that i wont be able to finish my hw early n enjoy holiday... cause, other than me, others are also draggy sometimes~~~ HAHAHA... including me too... so... lets ganbatte! work towards a better future! YES!

oyasumi~! 8)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Mixture Feelings

talking about today, practical was still alright, as usual everyone works tgt to get as many right answers as possible. hahaa. but thinking about the amount of homework to be completed and the deadlines! its stressful... ran an analysis test ytd for 3hrs! tmr, going to do another analysis test again... wonder if it'll be another 3hrs waiting again! seriously, 3hrs is long but i can still wait. BUT! if it crashed mid-way, that's wad make ppl MAD! REAL MAD I WOULD MEAN! i sincerely hope that Ngee Ann Poly can upgrade the computers of Blk 46! cause the CF design program really ran too slow already! although i know i straight away put 500 iterations... =.=lll 

still got IS consultation to discuss... ASAS Lab 4 PPT & Tutorial 2... Jap Hw... but sun half day not free... hopefully, tmr i will be able to clear Jap Hw and CF analysis asap! plus if more possible, finish the whole AEDES T1!!! that will be so satisfying! undoubtedly YES! 

well, apart from schoolwork, there is something else that is worth happy about. and it is my Grandmother's Birthday Celebration! HAHAHA! had a family gathering dinner on friday (tonight) as usual, but its at my uncle's coffee shop's store there... and when the channel 8 shows starts, both the old and young ones will be staring at it... HAHAHA! will be uploading the photos in facebook... soon... later if possible... 

tmr, i'm gonna wake up at 8am... shower and prepare for cup-cake... and lollipops... leaving the decorations for night time... thanks alot lao ma! for helping me to make knowing that i dun have enuf time... love u much! 8D 

alright, now i shall help steaky to book a hotel! finally! hurray! YES! goodnight~! 8)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Steamboat Day with Friends

Had steamboat gathering @ jermyn's house.
The food was great & "service" was even better!
The jokes from friends were awesomely hilarious too!
It's no doubt a great experience after some time of not seeing each other. 
Shall wait till next gathering again 8)
Now, it's schoolwork time! X(

Sunday, April 24, 2011

just a thought...

                                          Fei Long San...

                                          Peck San Deng...

                                          Choa Chu Kang Cemetery...

Both families' Qing Ming Days at different places... A time for family gathering... The burning of the hell notes and all was fun too! HAHAHA! So yup, another year passed again... But next year, there will be an additional member for Mother's side! HEHEHE!!! toodles~! 8D

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Holiday Ends & School Haunts AGAIN~!

school is starting at 2pm tmr... drags to go school but feels like going also... come to think about it, all i've done in this 6 weeks' holiday is Gundam all the way~ didn't do much other things, so kind of regretted too... but i enjoyed Gundam of course! 8) nothing much to type about already since i'm wordless... HAHAHA! lets see what awaits for us, the poly students tmr! 8D

Friday, April 15, 2011

Kampung Hut Chalet~!

a night at the hut,
a walk at the path,
bond our friendship further,
with laughters & games & US!  8)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Busy Day

Busy Day!

close to busy like them but not life threatening of course... hahaha! so brave the gundam meisters! fighting for a reason each of them. that's life 8)  

Thursday, April 7, 2011

happy gossip dinner

This, is the facial expressions for tonight's dinner all the way~! 8D HAHAHA! all kinds of different gossips... from hospital to school to sales... its jus four ppl but we can actually laughed and talked for 3hrs! Amazing! hahaha! too bad the rest weren't around otherwise, it'll be worse! oh yes! one more thing! there was an old man who did extraodinary actions in public during our dinner time! MUAHAHAHAHA! alright, shall not be so bad to elaborate further... XD

Gundam-ing tmr~! 8)

Thursday, March 24, 2011